So... What are the Youth Leadership through Sport Programs all about?

Program Goals
The Youth Leadership through Sport Programs (YLSP) are funded by the U.S. Department of State/Sports Diplomacy Division and are implemented by PH International and its partners. YLSP aims to inspire, strengthen, and mentor youth athletes and coaches from the U.S. and abroad to be leaders in their teams, schools, and communities. Through the power of sport, youth athletes and coaches will gain leadership and team building skills, develop positive growth and healthy lifestyle behaviors, learn project management and community outreach practices, and develop a greater tolerance and respect for diversity. And to HAVE FUN while doing so!
Vision & Values
To teach participants about how sports can help to develop leadership qualities and serve as a positive influence in their lives
To foster cross-cultural understanding and experiential learning
To equip participants with the skills and confidence to become active leaders in their home communities
To unite, inspire, and motivate participants to become the best version of themselves through sport

Have a question? Please reach out to ylsp@ph-int.org.